16th Century
102 items
102 items

Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid 1670

Annunciation ca. 1504

The Annunciation 1535 – 1540

Madonna of The Cat ca. 1520

Understatement of the Measurement 1525

The Fountain of Youth (Left part) ca. 1536

Annunciation ca. 1500

Annunciation ca. 1523 – 1588

Lamentation over the Dead Christ 1520 – 1525

Saint Jerome in the Desert 1521

The Annunciation ca. 1583 – 1584

The Issenheim Altarpiece ca. 1510 – 1515

The Annunciation (tabernacle) ca. 1500

The Annunciation to Mary ca. 1501 – 1515

View of the City, perspective 1500 – 1599

Annunciation of the Baglioni Chapel ca. 1500 – 1501

Annunciation 1506 – 1508

Annunciation 1578

The Annunciation of Maria ca. 1550

Portrait of the Museum by Ferrante Imperato, Dell’Historia Naturale, Naples 1599

The Annunciation 1515 – 1517

Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza, Drawing of the ‘proscenium’, cross section of the auditorium ca. 1585

Madonna Enthroned with Child and Saints ca. 1504

Annunciation 1550

The Milkmaid 1657

Luther & Hus administer communion ca. 1500

Christ Crowned with Thorns (Ecce Homo), and the Mourning Virgin (Mater Dolorosa), detail 1530 – 1540

Annunciation ca. 1505 – 1510

The Annunciation ca. 1501 – 1535

Annunciation Tucci 1500 – 1506

Annunciation ca. 1585

The Vocation of Saint Matthew 1599

Annunciation ca. 1500

Il ricevimento degli ambasciatori giapponesi nel Teatro Olimpico ca. 1596

Annunciation ca. 1540

The Nativity ca. 1504

The Land of Milk and Honey 1567

Annunciation ca. 1509

The Birth of the Virgin ca. 1520

The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things (Detail of Pride) 1516

Studio del teatro romano descritto da Vitruvio ca. 1570

Heilige Antonius vor der Stadt 1519

The Annunciation 1502 – 1503

Annunciation 1528

Virgin and Child with Four Angels, detail ca. 1510 – 1515

Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve (‘The Ambassadors’) 1533

Saint Jerome in His Study ca. 1513 – 1515

Altarpiece of the Annunciation 1559

The Wedding at Cana (Veronese) 1562 – 1563

Urban Scene 1500 – 1599

Annunciation 1506

The Annunciation of the Recanati ca. 1527 – 1529

Scena Comica ca. 1550

The Birth of the Virgin 1509 – 1511

Annunciation ca. 1500

The history, customs and geography of the land of Cuccagna 1564

The Annunciation ca. 1520

Saint Augustine in His Study 1502

Annunciation of the Virgin ca. 1559

Annunciation Frei Carlos 1523

Minerva banishes vices from the garden of virtue 1499 – 1502

The Lord’s Supper ca. 1510

The Virgin of the Annunciation / The Angel of the Annunciation (recto) ca. 1515 – 1520

Annunciation to Mary ca. 1520

Annunciation ca. 1520 – 1525

The Annunciation ca. 1453

Scene in a Wine Cellar 1537

Annunciation 1505

The Annunciation; and The Presentation in the Temple ca. 1500

Antonio Scacceri
The Annunciation 1506 – 1512

Annunciation 1522

Annunciation ca. 1520

Architecture 1500 – 1599

Life of the Virgin ca. 1503

The Annunciation ca. 1520

Annunciation ca. 1556

The Annunciation to Mary ca. 1545

Adam and Eve in Paradise (detail) ca. 1530

Triptych of the Adoration of the Magi ca. 1510

The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things (Detail of Sloth) 1516

The Annunciation ca. 1500

The Fountain of Youth 1546

Annunciation to Mary 1503

Arc de triomphe with stage in background 1500 – 1599

Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza, Drawing of the ‘proscenium’ ca. 1585

The Birth of the Virgin ca. 1550

Birth of the Virgin-1504-1508 1504 – 1508

Saint Jerome in his Study 1514

Annunciation ca. 1525

Announcing Angel, Virgin Annunciate, St Peter 1500

Diana and Actaeon ca. 1518

Tower of Babel 1595

Annunciation (left wing of the Colibrant Triptych) 1516

The Annunciation 1505

Annunciation 1505

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1511

Venerable Idleness, Queen of Cockaigne; a fat woman seated on a movable toilet chair being waited on and fed by seven women 1565

The Annunciation San Gallo ca. 1513 – 1514

Annunciazione di San Giacomo Apostolo dei Domenicani, Forlì 1511 – 1512

Annunciation 1504

The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things (Detail of Gluttony) 1516

Landscape with St Jerome 1547