20th Century
520 items
520 items

Family and Rainstorm 1955

The Sleeping Girl or The performer at Rest 1905

Interior of M.R., Dramatic Artist, Rue Vavin 1910 – 1911

The Aragonese 1931

Untitled mural in Porta Murello 1954

Compartment C, Car 293 1938

Woman Doing her Hair 1900

Insomnia 1994

Interior with a Reading Lady by the Window ca. 1900

Hotel Window 1955

Intimacy 1898 – 1956

The agricultural cooperative workshop at Boretto, Parma ca. 1989

Self-portrait with Mannequin 1927

Summer Interior 1909

Summertime 1943

Girl Reading by a Window 1909

Unknown ca. 1916

Old Cards 1953

Interior with Window and Door ca. 1900

Interior with Open Window ca. 1900

Children’s Room 1932

Interior with a Woman Reading 1908

Calder in Roxbury Studio 1941

Waiting for the Ceremony 1934

The Boat Bed 1909

Interior, Standgade 30 1909

Mother and Child by a Window ca. 1900

Seven A.M. 1948

Girl in Grey 1939

Shirley Goldfarb and Gregory Masurovsky 1974

The Songwriter 1925

Rural Interior with Light Coming Through a Window ca. 1920

Models 1928

Home Interior ca. 1900

Hotel Room 1931

Evening Song 1938

Sun in an Empty Room 1963

Interior, Strandgade 30 1905

Interior with Concerto 1914

Interior with Windsor Chair 1913

Little Italy ca. 1977

High Noon 1949

Apartment Houses 1923

Furniture Store Sign near Birmingham, Alabama 1936

Spring Grazing 1967

The Lunch II 1910

Interior Frederiksberg Avenue 1900

The Morning Toilet 1922

Dust Motes Dancing in the Sunbeams 1900

Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy 1970 – 1971

Biedermeier Interior with Piano ca. 1900

Aldo Rossi’s Studio 1989

Nursery Tea 1909

Interior with Girl and Woman ca. 1900

Boy Studying ca. 1900

The Two Bedrooms and The Lady at the Table 1922

Empty Rooms 1938

The Priest’s Room 1921

The Profiteer ca. 1920

Mother and Child at the Table ca. 1900

Pavilion for the Göteborg Exhibition 1923

The Artist’s Room, Letchworth ca. 1932

Saint Cecilia 1931
Self-Portrait, The Cottage Spurveskjul 1911

Sultry Night 1939

Self Portrait in Studio 1933

The Woman in Blue 1922

Serenade 1947

Little Girl with Doll 1929

Interior 1964 – 1965

The Green Bed 1922

House and Terrace 1953

Peeling Woman ca. 1900

Beverly Hills Housewife 1966 – 1967

Susanna 1929

The Fox Lady 1920

Excursion into Philosophy 1959

Reading Girl at Window ca. 1900

Library 1926

The Studio 1934

A Woman in the Sun 1961

Toni Overbeck 1926

The Cup of Tea 1917

Dada Triumphs 1920

Splitting 1974

Evening 1897

Cape Cod Morning 1950

The Fight 1935

The Bedroom 1921

The Upstairs 1938

Interior 1922

Interior of an Inn or Two characters 1911

Interior ca. 1916

Darning or Isa at the Stove 1929

The Maid at the Sink 1918

Looking out 1932

Interior with Two Glasses 1923

Interior of the Friends Meeting House, Great Bardfield 1942

A Lady Combing 1898 – 1956

The Two Old Men at the Table 1920

Girl Sitting by the Window ca. 1900

Girl Reading a Letter in an Interior ca. 1905

The Interior of The Rietveld Schroder House 1952

The Card-Puller 1919

Interior Light ca. 1900

Interior Strandgade 30 1904

The Four Rooms 1914

Untitled 1921

The Green Bedroom 1909

Music Room 1907

Bedroom of the Atelier Morandi on Fondazza Street, Bologna ca. 1990

Interior with Stove 1909

The Viewing 1921

Children Playing 1925

Untitled 1898 – 1900

Portrait of Llewelyn Lloyd 1907

Children’s room 1925

American Gothic 1930

Casa Benati in Masone 1985

« I’m Half-Sick of Shadows », Said The Lady of Shalott 1915

No. 182 Ebury Street London 1920

Sunlight in a Cafeteria 1958

The Appointed Room ca. 1940

Red Table with Wysteria ca. 1920

Power Cuts Imminent 1975

Interior with a Red Table 1923

Biedermeier Interior with Garden View ca. 1910

The Smokehouse 1912

Sewing Girl ca. 1900

Industrial Workers 1920

New York, 1986 II 1986

Concert 1924

The Tea Party 1926

The Card Players ca. 1917

Stapler in the Attic 1931

Wood Stove 1962

Girl at Window with Cat ca. 1900

Breton Woman Eating Pancakes 1921

Nude in front of a Mantel 1955

Interior with Sunlight on the Floor 1906

Lonely Woman 1939

A corner of the living room 1901

Interior with Woman in Pink 1903 – 1904

Dinner for Threshers 1934

Drug Store 1927

The Red Table and the Fishes 1922

The Open Window ca. 1900

Sewing Woman ca. 1900

The Rope 1948

Self-Portrait in The New Studio 1912

Summer Evening 1947

Interior with Woman at the Piano ca. 1900

Rooms by the Sea 1951

Interior 1 1964

The Doors ca. 1900

Interior or Young Marriage 1922

Interior in Strandgade or Sunlight on the Floor 1901

The Reader 1925

Interior with Afternoon Sun 1905

Sunday 1926

Interior with Woman in Red from Behind 1903

The mother and The Sister 1926

Interior with a Clock 1920

Morning Sun 1952

The Consultation 1911

The Open Door 1921

Woodstove 1962

The Reading 1931

The Westerner 1940

Masone, Casa Benati 1985

Nighthawks 1942

Interior with Piano 1908

Tomelloso’s Habitation 1971

Frederiksberg Alley 1900

The Maid and the Soup Pot 1921

The Sentimental Girl 1920 – 1922

The Mirror in the Green Room 1908

The Bretonne Who Passes 1922

Hurrah, The Butter Is Finished! 1935

Woman Reading 1900

Sunlight on Brownstones 1956

Office at Night 1940

House for An Artlover, The Children’s Play Space 1901

Evening Interior 1915

Reading Woman with Flowers ca. 1900

Ecarté Player 1926

Chop Suey 1929

Eric Ravilious and Helen Binyon at Furlongs 1945

Sunshine in the Drawing Room III 1903

Interior with a Sitting Woman ca. 1900

Topaz 1969

Untitled 1996

Interior with Two Figures 1904

Interior with Open Window ca. 1900

Reading Woman and Tea Service ca. 1900

Woman with Needlework 1902

In the Morning 1931

Interior with Mirror ca. 1900

Still Life in the Studio with a View of Schheffelplatz ca. 1930

Tree Planting Group 1937

Inn Interior 1912

Family of a Painter 1938

George Lawson & Wayne Sleep 1972 – 1974

The Blind Man and Other Figures 1922

Woman Reading at Her Window 1921

Summer in the City 1949

The Breton Cabaret ca. 1921

Eve and the Serpent ca. 1906 – 1907

Interior 1951

Bistro Interior 1913

Girl Who Reads 1928

Visiting Grandchildren 1966

Eleven A.M. 1926

The Hypochondriac 1926 – 1927

Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy 1968

Interior from the Manor of Liselund 1903

Apartment Corner 1904

Little Russian 1913

Non-compositions in the room 1929

Portrait of Hena Rigotti 1924

Woman writing in an interior 1904

My Wife Lea 1932

Interior with Easel 1910

Self-Portrait in the Studio 1928

Women on the Stairs 1929

Drawing Room or The Four Copper Prints 1905

The Week with four Thursdays 1949

Night Windows 1928

Interior with Open Door and Mirror ca. 1900

Bitonto (n.247) 1990

Interior with a Woman 1909 – 1910

The Laundress, Blue Room 1900

To the Beauty 1922

The Dessert: Harmony in Red 1908

Still Life 1926

The weaving, The spinning, The fishing 1934

Interior 1911

The Breakfast 1922

Portrait of Adriana 1928

The Coin Collector 1904

Interior with Woman and Girl 1916

Artist’s Room of the Atelier Morandi on Fondazza Street, Bologna ca. 1990

Nude on Sofa 1890 – 1945

The Gardener 1928

Any Morning 1929

The Yellow Bedroom 1911

Interior with the Painter’s Wife ca. 1900

Girl with Bowl 1919 – 1920

Mandolin and Guitar 1924

The Letter 1918

Untitled ca. 1980

The Sick Painter 1926

Interior, Strandgade 30 1909

Interior of a House 1898 – 1956

Interior with Woman Putting Twigs in a Glass, Strangade 30 1900

Interior with a Flower Pot on the Card Table 1910 – 1911

The Toilette 1924

Interior 1901

Girl Reading a Letter at the Piano ca. 1900

The Breton Woman and her Chickens 1922

Room in New York 1931

Off at Sea 1972

Interior with Easel and Porcelain Tureen, Strandgade 30 1907

Just What is it that Makes Today’s Homes so Different? 1922

Relief blues ca. 1938

Interior, Hallway, Lamp effect 1904

Self Portrait ca. 1930

Untitled 1909

Breton Inn 1913

The Curious 1947

Portrait of the Painter with his Wife 1920

The stranger 1930

Interior with Ida Playing the Piano 1910

Automat 1927

The Twist 1988

The Girl Who Paints 1951

Lucio Fontana, The Waiting, Milan (2) 1964

Interior with Woman Entering ca. 1900

The Sick Person 1933

Interior with Staircase ca. 1900

Ramsay MacDonald with Members of his Family ca. 1930

The Red Quilte 1921

Interior ca. 1900

Dome of Saint Charles 1928

Girl at the Window 1925

Interior with Woman at Piano, Strandgade 30 1901

Four Lane Road 1956

Moonlight Interior 1921 – 1923

Interior with Flower Pot, Bredgasse 25 1910 – 1911

Baptism in Kansas 1928

Susan Lawrence Dana House 1900

Parma 1984

The Pharmacy 1934

Finished study for unfinished portrait of George Lawson & Wayne Sleep 1972

Large Family Portrait 1929 – 1931

The Artist’s Wife Sitting at a Window in a Sunlit Room ca. 1920

New York Interior 1921

Interior with Rose Coloured Wall ca. 1910

Hospital Room or Infirmary 1918

The Croix-Verte Drinking Room in Moret 1909

Woman with Fruit Bowl ca. 1900

Interior with a View of an Exterior Gallery 1903

The Dreamer II 1919

Looking Out the Window 1908

Woman Drinking Coffee in Front of the Window 1920

Interior, Young Girl Writing 1905

Gualino Family 1925

Il teatrino scientifico 1978

Song at Dawn 1931

Window, Rohan Court 1951

Self-Portrait in The Mirror 1929

Saturday Night Bath 1837

Window in London Street 1901

Girls in Nervi 1926

Beethoven 1928

Guitar, Glass and Fruit Bowl 1924

New York Restaurant 1922

First Row Orchestra 1951

View of Gustav Wunderwald’s Studio 1914

Elisabetta and Maria 1926

Citizen Kane 1941

Hotel by a Railroad 1952

An Interior with a Young Girl Serving Tea ca. 1910

David Hockney with Peter Schlesinger and Maudie James 1968

The Roof Party 1925

Interior with Porcelain Tureenn 1904

The Bedroom 1921

Evening Interior ca. 1900

Blue Interior with Commode ca. 1910

Bedroom 1933

Old Cottage at Worth, Sussex 1920

Reading Woman, Strandgade 30 1908

The Dinner 1920

Interior with Flower Pot on the Card Table, Bredgasse 25 1910 – 1911

2001: A Space Odyssey 1968

Into a New Apartment 1952

The Builder’s Son 1918 – 1921

Carolina Morning 1955

Portrait of Matteo Marangoni 1919

The Painter’s Room ca. 1911

The Green Kitchen 1920

Girls on Sunday 1921

The Hank 1947

The Three Bears 1945

Meditation 1925

Toughts 1935

Chair Car 1956

Interior with two Girls or Two Girls Playing ca. 1900

Cottage Interior 1920

Study for Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy 1970

Vladimir Lenin in Smolny 1930

Interior ca. 1910

Open Doors 1905

Lady at the Piano 1904

The Open Door ca. 1910

Reflections ca. 1900

Interior 1905

Figure Group with the Artist, Another Woman and Two Children by French Windows ca. 1900

Conference at Night 1949

The Nurse 1931

The Green Bedroom 1911

Cabaret Interior or The bistro 1921

Sunshine in the Living Room with a Cello ca. 1900

Interior, Strandgade 30 1901

Quiet Contemplation Interior from Buderupholm 1907

Bacchus at the tavern 1936

The Kitchen Window 1946

Kitchen, Williamsburg 1937

Interior of Saddler Shop, Croydon 1942

Interior with Woman Seated from Behind or the Seated Servant 1918

Interior with the Artist’s Easel 1910

German Pavilion, World Fair, Barcelona 1929

Stairway 1949

The Card Game 1918

Marnie 1964

Interior with the Artist’s Wife Sewing by the Window ca. 1900

Western Motel 1957

Interior with a Woman Opening a Door ca. 1900

The Cook 1948

Two on the Aisle 1927

Interior of a Worker, Romainville Street 1910

An Ideal Small House 1939

Bourgeois Interior 1910

Girl Reading at the Piano ca. 1900

Sketch of Atelier Amiet Oschwand 1942

Attic 1926

Interior, Strandgade 30 1901

Atelier Morandi on Fondazza Street, Bologna ca. 1990

Stairway at 48 rue de Lille, Paris 1906

A Sunlit Garden Room 1920

Vespero 1952

Woman and Child ca. 1900

The Breton Meal 1918

Large Studio at Castiglion 1993

The Cabaret 1912

Woman Reading in the Sunlight 1900

Table and Fireplace 1920

Hall at Heathersbrook Yard Niva ca. 1910

The Red Table and the Buffet 1922

House for An Artlover, The Dining Room 1901

Nude Lying with Window 1929

Interior, Strandgade 30 1906 – 1908

Inn Interior 1913

Diabolo Player 1920

Antique Dresser 1943

The Yellow Interior 1934

Cape Cod Evening 1929

The White Bedroom 1924

Untitled 1920

Peggy Angus Sat On A Bed ca. 1952

Room in Brooklyn 1932

Office in a Small City 1953

Cottage Interior ca. 1914

Second Story Sunlight 1960

Mother and Child 1927

The Playroom 1928

Sunlight Study 1906

Lady Seated in a Drawing Room ca. 1900

Morning Cleaning, Mies van der Rohe Foundation (Barcelona) 1999

Hotel Lobby 1943

Drawing for Unknown Studio, Boggeri Project 1938 – 1940

American Collectors, Fred and Marcia Weisman 1968

Interior with Girl ca. 1900

Bells 1993

The Red Studio 1911

Lady with a Dog 1910 – 1915

Closet in Amersfoort 1932

Interior with Flowers ca. 1900

Woman Making Tea ca. 1900

Woman Reading to a Little Girl 1900

Keller Family Portrait 1929

Vilma Reading on a Sofa ca. 1912

An Interior with a Woman Reading 1930

It’s a Psychological Fact Pleasure Helps your Disposition 1948

The Breakfast 1897 – 1982

Interior with a cat 1918

Interior, Bredgade 25 1911

Interior with an Orange Table 1921

City Sunlight 1954

Woman Sewing ca. 1900

Interior with the Painter’s Wife Reading 1901

Interior with Woman Sitting at a Table 1910

Parisian Interior ca. 1923

The Coffee House 1914

Interior with Clock and Photograph 1900 – 1910

Lytton Strachey 1914

Sofa 1905

The Waiting 1918

Sleeping Nude 1980

Woman with Teacup ca. 1930

Untitled 1922

The Barons or Gold Smelters 1905

Painting of Bawden in his Studio 1930

Personal Values 1952

Open Drawer ca. 1900

Just What Is it That Makes Today’s Homes so Different, so Appealing? 1956

Aldo Rossi’s Studio 1989 – 1990

Martha 1925

Abandoned Kitchen 1930

New York Office 1962

The Fried Fish Shop 1936

The Waiting 1912

The Artist with Two Hanged Women 1924

The Dream Window in the Old Liselund Castle 1903

My Parents 1977

Music Lesson 1930

The Designer, Portrait of Felicita Frai 1930

Interior with Standing Woman ca. 1900

The Dream 1910

Attic Room 1918

Interior with Cat ca. 1900

Interior with Vase ca. 1900

The Prayer 1912

The Croix-Verte Dinning Room in Moret 1908

Afternoon in Fiesole 1929

New York Movie 1939

Children at the Window 1947

Her Room 1963

A Blue Room in Kensington ca. 1930

Blue Interior with Window ca. 1910

Small Interior of a Dramatic Artist 1910

Intermission 1963

Interior with a Girl 1912

Seawatchers 1952

The Yellow Bistro 1921

Interior with Reading Girl ca. 1900

Maidenhair 1974

The Barber Shop 1931

T.V. Murder (In an Hotel on The Croisette, Cannes) 1975

A Lady Seated before a Mirror in an Interior ca. 1900

Girl at Sewing Machine 1921

Room View with Easel ca. 1928

The Dance 1861 – 1924

Portrait of Henry Teel 1944

Interior with an Open Door 1923

Interior with Piano and Woman in Black, Strandgade 30 1901

August in the City 1945

Speech at School 1983

The Bedroom 1909

Portrait of Engineer Beria 1924 – 1925

Interior, Strandgade 25 1915

The Table and the Two Bowls 1922

Sheridan Theater 1937

The Old Man at the Table 1922

A Room in the Artist’s Home in Strandgade with the Artist’s Wife 1902

At the Piano ca. 1912

A Sunlit Interior ca. 1920

Caruso’s Room in Sorrento 1987

The Visit 1928

The Arrival 1920

Morning in a City 1944

Season of the Witch 1977

Tables for Ladies 1930

Sunlit Interior 1920

The Immaculate Conception in La Femme 100 têtes 1929

Model in Backlight 1908

Dinner Party 1980