135 items
135 items
Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Reflections ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Woman Reading in the Sunlight 1900 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Mirror ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Figures by the Window 1895 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Woman Entering ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
The White Door 1888 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Woman Putting Twigs in a Glass, Strangade 30 1900 Georg Achen
Interior from the Manor of Liselund 1903 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior Light ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Windsor Chair 1913 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with a Girl 1912 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior, Standgade 30 1909 William Henriksen
Interior with Rose Coloured Wall ca. 1910 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior ca. 1910 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with Open Window ca. 1900 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with a Sitting Woman ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Sunshine in the Drawing Room III 1903 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
The Open Window ca. 1900 Peter Vilhelm Ilsted
The Dining Room 1887 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Easel and Porcelain Tureen, Strandgade 30 1907 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Reading Girl ca. 1900 Peter Vilhelm Ilsted
An Interior with a Young Girl Serving Tea ca. 1910 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Woman with Fruit Bowl ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Self-Portrait, The Cottage Spurveskjul 1911 William Henriksen
Hall at Heathersbrook Yard Niva ca. 1910 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Evening Interior ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Piano and Woman in Black, Strandgade 30 1901 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Open Door and Mirror ca. 1900 William Henriksen
Sunlit Interior 1920 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with a Young Man Reading 1898 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Mother and Child at the Table ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Dust Motes Dancing in the Sunbeams 1900 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Reading Woman and Tea Service ca. 1900 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Vase ca. 1900 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with a Woman 1909 – 1910 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Self Portrait ca. 1930 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Woman at Piano, Strandgade 30 1901 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Peeling Woman ca. 1900 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with a Reading Lady by the Window ca. 1900 Henrik Nielsen
The Green Kitchen 1920 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior in Strandgade or Sunlight on the Floor 1901 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Girl Reading a Letter at the Piano ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with a Young Woman Sweeping 1899 Georg Achen
Interior with the Artist’s Wife and Child 1892 Vilhelm Hammershøi
The Coin Collector 1904 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior, Strandgade 30 1901 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Girl Reading at the Piano ca. 1900 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Girl Sitting by the Window ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Porcelain Tureenn 1904
Reflections ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Woman Reading in the Sunlight 1900 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Mirror ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Figures by the Window 1895 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Woman Entering ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
The White Door 1888 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Woman Putting Twigs in a Glass, Strangade 30 1900 Georg Achen
Interior from the Manor of Liselund 1903 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior Light ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Windsor Chair 1913 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with a Girl 1912 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior, Standgade 30 1909 William Henriksen
Interior with Rose Coloured Wall ca. 1910 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior ca. 1910 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with Open Window ca. 1900 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with a Sitting Woman ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Sunshine in the Drawing Room III 1903 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
The Open Window ca. 1900 Peter Vilhelm Ilsted
The Dining Room 1887 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Easel and Porcelain Tureen, Strandgade 30 1907 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Reading Girl ca. 1900 Peter Vilhelm Ilsted
An Interior with a Young Girl Serving Tea ca. 1910 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Woman with Fruit Bowl ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Self-Portrait, The Cottage Spurveskjul 1911 William Henriksen
Hall at Heathersbrook Yard Niva ca. 1910 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Evening Interior ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Piano and Woman in Black, Strandgade 30 1901 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Open Door and Mirror ca. 1900 William Henriksen
Sunlit Interior 1920 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with a Young Man Reading 1898 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Mother and Child at the Table ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Dust Motes Dancing in the Sunbeams 1900 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Reading Woman and Tea Service ca. 1900 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Interior with Vase ca. 1900 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with a Woman 1909 – 1910 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Self Portrait ca. 1930 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Woman at Piano, Strandgade 30 1901 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Peeling Woman ca. 1900 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Interior with a Reading Lady by the Window ca. 1900 Henrik Nielsen
The Green Kitchen 1920 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior in Strandgade or Sunlight on the Floor 1901 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Girl Reading a Letter at the Piano ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with a Young Woman Sweeping 1899 Georg Achen
Interior with the Artist’s Wife and Child 1892 Vilhelm Hammershøi
The Coin Collector 1904 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior, Strandgade 30 1901 Carl Vilhelm Holsøe
Girl Reading at the Piano ca. 1900 Karl Harald Alfred Broge
Girl Sitting by the Window ca. 1900 Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with Porcelain Tureenn 1904